March 9th, 2007
Today I will publish my blogg, why I called like this, cause I never believed that this stuffs works, not for me at least, but after some time a close friend of mine told me and explained to me how to make one. Believe me , i didnt have idea of how this stuff worked.. So then I though, Lorena U r crazy, in Spanish most of you know what does it means, but for those who doesn’t know, well is something like U got really mad, Got spoiled, Got nut lose, etc…
I really don’t pretend to do a kind of diary of my life, who will be interested in knowing me closely and know what I do, noooooo, but from time to time I will include some pics, video, the things I like and dislike, something about my natural job (engineering) and the over natural too (the spiritual I meant).
You all can contribute to this blogg sending to me some interesting articles, some good news or even bad too, you can email me at this address: loreespi@hotm... Or simple see me and tell me what would you like it to be included cause is good.
At the beginning didn’t know what to include so I simple put some pics of my friends from US, Monterrey and some from UK. But am sure I have much to say in future days.
I’m gonna try to see the way that the sound works in all the computers, cause I have been told that due to some firewalls, the player is mute, at least at my work place it is. Not at home. I promise, so I did it right, but …. My friend blogg works cause she added the sites of the singers she likes and that way it worked, but my liking in music is not so common I must admit, so is not easy to find this music online…I tried hard but mmmm, I got bored.
Well I don’t promise the best but I would like some day be inspiring to some of you, and well much words, here I go, Hope to know soon from you…
I will include this links, is a rudimentary way I know, so you may hear the music I included in the player.